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28.-29. august 2021


Veľmi príjemný pretek, organizovaný prvýkrát v meste Bad Radkesburg, Rakúsko. Do istej miery aj ako náhrada za veľa zrušených akcií z dôvodu Covid situácie.

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Známy 50m bazén Parktherme Bad Radkersburg. Pravidelne sa tam koná 24-hod. charitatívne plávanie.

Celková dĺžka 7.6 km, ktorá sa rovná 152 naplávaným dĺžkam.



36 okruhov v dĺžke 10.6 km, spolu 380 km.


60 okruhov v dĺžke 1.4 km, spolu 84 km.


My third Slovakman. Time 13:58:41, sixth from the end. A total of 170 individuals completed the race.

Insufficient number of practice swim km. Got a flat tyre due to wear. Before the race, I was considering an exchange (mistake 1). The repair itself took too long. Since I had not used the bomb for a long time, I did not remember the procedure (mistake 2). I damaged both the tube and the pump valve. Fixed on the second try with the help of a standard pump. The positive side is that I had all the necessary things and especially that I did not give up, because for about 30 seconds this idea occurred to me. Running ok, just force yourself run faster.

Very dissatisfied with the time and stupid mistakes. Maximum satisfaction with mental strength, positive thinking and literally no crisis.

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